I hope all my readers are aware of the commemorative holiday approaching. "Yom Hashoa" or "Day of Mourning" (I think).
Im sure we all know what the Holocaust was. It was an attempt to destroy the Jewish population. Im not going to get into to much detail about it because every Jew should already know and never forget.
But why would we want to remember 6,000,000 Jews dieing? (some of which is my close family, my grandparents were both survivors and lost their whole families). We don't, we want to commemorate our existance and the fact that we survived and still thrive in all countries every day.
Mark Twain a.k.a. Samuel Clemens was one of Americas greatest author's and a big part of American literature. He was not Jewish but very smart. The Jewish peoples survival was noticed by him and he wrote the following.
"The Egyptians, the Babylonians, and the Persians rose, filled the planet with sound and splendor, then faded to dream stuff and passed away; the Greeks and the Romans followed and made a vast noise, and they were gone; other peoples have sprung up and held their torch high for a time, but it burned out, and they sit in twilight now or have vanished.
The Jew saw them all, survived them all, and is now what he always was, exhibiting no decadence, no infirmities of age, no weakening of his parts, no slowing of his energies, no dulling of his alert and aggressive mind, all things are mortal but the Jew; all other forces pass, but he remains. What is the secret of his immortality?"
- Mark Twain.
Thursday, May 1, 2008
Tuesday, April 15, 2008
"Define Yourself"
Know who you are and what you WILL become, not what you MIGHT become. Start by realizing where you came from and what your values are. The following was written as a report for school by a great friend/family member of mine, Joseph P. Sabzehroo....Enjoy.
As I was growing up, there were a few roles that helped make me who I am today. Skateboarding, music, and my school, TAB, which is short for Torah Academy of Brooklyn, were what I feel were major factors in shaping the man you see before you today.
When I was started skateboarding everyone in the Community hated it. The “Community” refers to the Syrian Jewish Community of Brooklyn. “Geographically speaking, the Syrian Jewish community of Brooklyn — 75,000 strong and growing fast” (Chafets). We are a community of 75,000 Syrian Jews, residing mainly in Brooklyn, NY and Deal, NJ, although there are several other small enclaves worldwide. Florida is another place that we go to during the winter. Together as a community we go to Florida for Passover and spend it together in the same area known as Turnberry Isle, which is in Aventura, Fl. We all go to the same synagogue and recite prayers and eat traditional Passover food with all our families together.
I started skateboarding when I was around 13. The Community all called my friends and I skaters, as if we were bad people, or punks. Because I cared so much about what the community thought of me, I stopped skateboarding when I was 15. I became more involved in other things, such as school and my music. I got very involved in my school in both and academic and a religious sense. I focused mainly on my Judaic Studies to the extent that I spent time in Israel, studying abroad. I spent 7 months studying in a Yeshiva there, opening my mind to the wonders of our sacred Torah, and all its’ teachings.
Music was, and still is a passion of mine. I play the guitar, something I started doing when I was about 14 years old. I joined a band, and we are working on writing our own original music as well. Music is a very important part of our Community, although not necessarily my kind of music. The Syrian Community uses music in their daily prayers, as a way of expressing joy, and as a means of celebration. I hope in some way, to continue this tradition, by making music of my own. I look back at the songs I sang a child, Arabic words, in melodies tunes, which I try to incorporate in my musical styling today.
Music has helped me get thru a lot of hard times as well. Whenever I got depressed or unhappy, for example over a girl or a fight with my parents, I’d just play some of my favorite music, listen to the lyrics and try to apply them to my life, and help make myself feel better.
I recently started skateboarding again. Its really hard for me to get back on the board and do all the tricks I used to do but I’m trying. My friends advance faster than I do and while this annoys me a little, I think it is because I’m more out of shape than them. I’ve been reading about exercise and getting back into shape, and hope skateboarding can help me with that.
Skateboarding is kind one of my main hobbies. As my friends progress I record their new tricks on camera every day and upload them to my computer. Once the videos are on my computer I can cut and edit them, as I like too to make my video. We are currently trying to make a huge video so we can send it out to big skateboard companies to try to get recognized and possibly sponsored. We would also like to have some kind of footage to show our children some day. Skateboarding taught me discipline. When there is a trick that I can’t do, I do it over and over until I get it right. It takes me a long time to land a trick, however after a while I do get it.
I started going to TAB in 11th grade. Before that I was home schooled for 3 years. Being home schooled is not easy. I didn’t have friends to hang out with everyday. A teacher from the Board of Education would come to my house everyday for 2 hours a day for 3 years straight. After my academic studies of home school I would have nothing to do but sit around and play my guitar. Once I got into TAB things changed. I suddenly started making new friends and started to socialize. The teachers at TAB and the friends I had there all shaped my personality that I have today. The teachers taught me the way of life and how to be a religious Jew and follow the ways of the Torah. I have great respect for the teachers at TAB. It is a small school of about 100 students and most of the kids do not pay tuition. The teachers that teach barley get paid because there are so little people paying tuition that there is no money to get paid with, however they do have a love for the students and the students share that mutual feeling. The teachers at TAB and the students are all friends on a personal level, to a point that you could talk to the teachers about anything and they will always be there to guide you and help you with hard times. Most of the friends I have today are from TAB.
My friends are like family because were all taught the same way. I sat down and spoke with my principle and asked him a couple of questions. One of the questions I asked him was how he got us all to have love for one and other and he replied, “Love your neighbor, like you love yourself” (Rabbi Dovidowitz). My friends and I take care of each other, we all have a certain love for each other like brothers that grew up in the same family. Because we did grow up in the same family, and our family was TAB.
The roles that made me who I am today, could be very different from the roles to come tomorrow. Everyday is a new experience and everyday we take on a new role in my life. Hearing a new song, landing a new trick on my skateboard, or learning something new from my high school teacher. These are all roles that changed me everyday for the past few years and will continue to change me. I will always change, and everyone will always change. People never stay the same, and we have the important roles in our life to thank for that.
As I was growing up, there were a few roles that helped make me who I am today. Skateboarding, music, and my school, TAB, which is short for Torah Academy of Brooklyn, were what I feel were major factors in shaping the man you see before you today.
When I was started skateboarding everyone in the Community hated it. The “Community” refers to the Syrian Jewish Community of Brooklyn. “Geographically speaking, the Syrian Jewish community of Brooklyn — 75,000 strong and growing fast” (Chafets). We are a community of 75,000 Syrian Jews, residing mainly in Brooklyn, NY and Deal, NJ, although there are several other small enclaves worldwide. Florida is another place that we go to during the winter. Together as a community we go to Florida for Passover and spend it together in the same area known as Turnberry Isle, which is in Aventura, Fl. We all go to the same synagogue and recite prayers and eat traditional Passover food with all our families together.
I started skateboarding when I was around 13. The Community all called my friends and I skaters, as if we were bad people, or punks. Because I cared so much about what the community thought of me, I stopped skateboarding when I was 15. I became more involved in other things, such as school and my music. I got very involved in my school in both and academic and a religious sense. I focused mainly on my Judaic Studies to the extent that I spent time in Israel, studying abroad. I spent 7 months studying in a Yeshiva there, opening my mind to the wonders of our sacred Torah, and all its’ teachings.
Music was, and still is a passion of mine. I play the guitar, something I started doing when I was about 14 years old. I joined a band, and we are working on writing our own original music as well. Music is a very important part of our Community, although not necessarily my kind of music. The Syrian Community uses music in their daily prayers, as a way of expressing joy, and as a means of celebration. I hope in some way, to continue this tradition, by making music of my own. I look back at the songs I sang a child, Arabic words, in melodies tunes, which I try to incorporate in my musical styling today.
Music has helped me get thru a lot of hard times as well. Whenever I got depressed or unhappy, for example over a girl or a fight with my parents, I’d just play some of my favorite music, listen to the lyrics and try to apply them to my life, and help make myself feel better.
I recently started skateboarding again. Its really hard for me to get back on the board and do all the tricks I used to do but I’m trying. My friends advance faster than I do and while this annoys me a little, I think it is because I’m more out of shape than them. I’ve been reading about exercise and getting back into shape, and hope skateboarding can help me with that.
Skateboarding is kind one of my main hobbies. As my friends progress I record their new tricks on camera every day and upload them to my computer. Once the videos are on my computer I can cut and edit them, as I like too to make my video. We are currently trying to make a huge video so we can send it out to big skateboard companies to try to get recognized and possibly sponsored. We would also like to have some kind of footage to show our children some day. Skateboarding taught me discipline. When there is a trick that I can’t do, I do it over and over until I get it right. It takes me a long time to land a trick, however after a while I do get it.
I started going to TAB in 11th grade. Before that I was home schooled for 3 years. Being home schooled is not easy. I didn’t have friends to hang out with everyday. A teacher from the Board of Education would come to my house everyday for 2 hours a day for 3 years straight. After my academic studies of home school I would have nothing to do but sit around and play my guitar. Once I got into TAB things changed. I suddenly started making new friends and started to socialize. The teachers at TAB and the friends I had there all shaped my personality that I have today. The teachers taught me the way of life and how to be a religious Jew and follow the ways of the Torah. I have great respect for the teachers at TAB. It is a small school of about 100 students and most of the kids do not pay tuition. The teachers that teach barley get paid because there are so little people paying tuition that there is no money to get paid with, however they do have a love for the students and the students share that mutual feeling. The teachers at TAB and the students are all friends on a personal level, to a point that you could talk to the teachers about anything and they will always be there to guide you and help you with hard times. Most of the friends I have today are from TAB.
My friends are like family because were all taught the same way. I sat down and spoke with my principle and asked him a couple of questions. One of the questions I asked him was how he got us all to have love for one and other and he replied, “Love your neighbor, like you love yourself” (Rabbi Dovidowitz). My friends and I take care of each other, we all have a certain love for each other like brothers that grew up in the same family. Because we did grow up in the same family, and our family was TAB.
The roles that made me who I am today, could be very different from the roles to come tomorrow. Everyday is a new experience and everyday we take on a new role in my life. Hearing a new song, landing a new trick on my skateboard, or learning something new from my high school teacher. These are all roles that changed me everyday for the past few years and will continue to change me. I will always change, and everyone will always change. People never stay the same, and we have the important roles in our life to thank for that.
Wednesday, April 9, 2008
"MacBook Pro"
I like to think alot. The other day my friend's and I were trying to figure out what to do that evening. One of my friends suggested partying. Another suggested just a bar to get drunk. Another friend said I don't care lets just go where there are girls. I thought long and hard about what my friends were saying and came to a conclusion.
I could drink in my house or one of my friends houses, and its more comfortable than a bar or a club. I could even just hang out with my boys where we stand and id Rather that then be in a club. So why should I troop to the city, pay for parking, pay ridiculous prices for alcohol that I'm not going to drink, get other peoples sweat on me and my clothes when they walk by and watch ugly people dance? whats the point?
It's all about girls duuuude!
I cant say I didn't use to do it often, but whats better than flirting or dancing like an asshole with a drunk pretty girl?
I've gotten older and alittle wiser and realise now that that's all bullshit. There are other ways to flirt with girls whether its on the beach, the elevator, the train or my favorite, the sales girl in the clothing shop's.
Flirting with girls can be the easiest thing if you get lucky. By lucky I don't mean her being interested in you, I mean actually being in the position to flirt with a pretty girl. After that it's up to you, you either have it or you don't.... Can you Mac?
The Elevator
The building I work in has like 50 floors, and 12 elevator shafts. My building also happens to be a garment building so there are always plenty of girls around, buyers, designers, Secretaries etc.... I've gotten lucky a few times to be in an elevator alone with a girl. I don't usually mac around other people I like to be respectful. A good MacPro will first see if theres anything he can comment on or say right away.
Example. I saw a pretty girl carrying luggage, very common in the building. The first and only thing I said to initiate conversation was "Vacation?" I know shes not going on or coming from a vacation. Shes either a buyer here on business that had to bring her luggage, a salesgirl with her samples or an assistant having to take it up or down for someone. Turned out she was an assistant but we spoke alittle about where we both work and now, every time I see her I'll get a smile.
Personally, I don't flirt to "score" or to have a relationship, I have enough friends and my girl takes care of me fine : ) but its a natural act I must do if I'm put in that position.
The Train
You have to be some kind of MacPro to pick up a girl on the train. I always catch girls looking at me, I love making eye contact, in a way, it's a rush. The truth is theres nothing I can do if a girl is grilling me from far away. I'm not going to get up and talk to her, that's a creepy move. I'm not going to get off on her stop to talk to her that's an even creepier one so back to luck. If you get lucky enough to sit next to a pretty girl there are many thing's that can be done to mac. Example. I was sitting next to a girl doing su doku. I don't know how to play but at that moment I wish I did. I would of been able to point out an answer or something and that might start a convo, but, I got lucky. 2 minutes later she turned to the word finder and I found a word for her and pointed it out. She turned to look at me and saw who I was and smiled. We continued finding words together and I Mac'd it. (by mac'd it I mean developed a short friendship) shoa shoa....
The Store
The store is my favorite place to Mac. I love to Mac in stores because half the work is done for you. The girl comes to you, isn't that half the battle?... I've been approached by guys in stores but all you have to do is say "naa nigga I'm just looking". Then when you see the pretty salesgirl pick up anything you see and be like "what do you think of this?" Don't be an ass and just ask for your size get her involved in your wardrobe. I personally do it because I like advice from girls. but you guys can do it to Mac. after that it's all up to you. I've even seen cases of getting in the fitting room with the sales girl (wink).
My conclusion is, theres no need to inconvenience yourself by going out specially to get girl's. Girl's are all around us naturally, so if you cant flirt or Mac in any of the places I mentioned then there is no point in going to a club or a bar so ask yourself this question..... Are you a MacPro?
I could drink in my house or one of my friends houses, and its more comfortable than a bar or a club. I could even just hang out with my boys where we stand and id Rather that then be in a club. So why should I troop to the city, pay for parking, pay ridiculous prices for alcohol that I'm not going to drink, get other peoples sweat on me and my clothes when they walk by and watch ugly people dance? whats the point?
It's all about girls duuuude!
I cant say I didn't use to do it often, but whats better than flirting or dancing like an asshole with a drunk pretty girl?
I've gotten older and alittle wiser and realise now that that's all bullshit. There are other ways to flirt with girls whether its on the beach, the elevator, the train or my favorite, the sales girl in the clothing shop's.
Flirting with girls can be the easiest thing if you get lucky. By lucky I don't mean her being interested in you, I mean actually being in the position to flirt with a pretty girl. After that it's up to you, you either have it or you don't.... Can you Mac?
The Elevator
The building I work in has like 50 floors, and 12 elevator shafts. My building also happens to be a garment building so there are always plenty of girls around, buyers, designers, Secretaries etc.... I've gotten lucky a few times to be in an elevator alone with a girl. I don't usually mac around other people I like to be respectful. A good MacPro will first see if theres anything he can comment on or say right away.
Example. I saw a pretty girl carrying luggage, very common in the building. The first and only thing I said to initiate conversation was "Vacation?" I know shes not going on or coming from a vacation. Shes either a buyer here on business that had to bring her luggage, a salesgirl with her samples or an assistant having to take it up or down for someone. Turned out she was an assistant but we spoke alittle about where we both work and now, every time I see her I'll get a smile.
Personally, I don't flirt to "score" or to have a relationship, I have enough friends and my girl takes care of me fine : ) but its a natural act I must do if I'm put in that position.
The Train
You have to be some kind of MacPro to pick up a girl on the train. I always catch girls looking at me, I love making eye contact, in a way, it's a rush. The truth is theres nothing I can do if a girl is grilling me from far away. I'm not going to get up and talk to her, that's a creepy move. I'm not going to get off on her stop to talk to her that's an even creepier one so back to luck. If you get lucky enough to sit next to a pretty girl there are many thing's that can be done to mac. Example. I was sitting next to a girl doing su doku. I don't know how to play but at that moment I wish I did. I would of been able to point out an answer or something and that might start a convo, but, I got lucky. 2 minutes later she turned to the word finder and I found a word for her and pointed it out. She turned to look at me and saw who I was and smiled. We continued finding words together and I Mac'd it. (by mac'd it I mean developed a short friendship) shoa shoa....
The Store
The store is my favorite place to Mac. I love to Mac in stores because half the work is done for you. The girl comes to you, isn't that half the battle?... I've been approached by guys in stores but all you have to do is say "naa nigga I'm just looking". Then when you see the pretty salesgirl pick up anything you see and be like "what do you think of this?" Don't be an ass and just ask for your size get her involved in your wardrobe. I personally do it because I like advice from girls. but you guys can do it to Mac. after that it's all up to you. I've even seen cases of getting in the fitting room with the sales girl (wink).
My conclusion is, theres no need to inconvenience yourself by going out specially to get girl's. Girl's are all around us naturally, so if you cant flirt or Mac in any of the places I mentioned then there is no point in going to a club or a bar so ask yourself this question..... Are you a MacPro?
Tuesday, April 8, 2008
No Sleep Till......
A good friend of mine, Elliot, visited California last week in a very popular city I like to call "Lost Angeles". He boasted much about the vibe and the fact that everyone is friendlier. Then he started talking about how much better and more relaxed the shopping environment was. One of the thing's he mentioned was that even if you don't buy anything in the store, the people that work there will be nice to you.
I've never been to LA but can imagine how nice that could be. I love to shop more than anything and i say this without knowing much about LA but I wouldn't change my city for anything in the world.
I don't know how serious my friend was when he said this but he definitely said it. "I'm making an aliyah to LA". I didn't take him very serious but what if he wasn't kidding. Besides the fact that I would miss him..... NOTTTT, I would hate the fact that he wouldn't live with our boy's in BK. Besides for our huuge circle of friend's, there's something else in the air here in BK and it's not the pollution. It's the real vibe of a Orthodox Jewish community. Our food, our synagogues, our extended families and most of all our memories.
I was walking with my friend Leor to meet the rest of our boy's for lunch. We saw an old friend on the way and stopped to talk to him. As we were walking away, Leor turned to me and said, "Would you ever have imagined thing's would turn out the way they did? I wonder where we will all be in 10 year's from now" I thought to myself that this was a good question. I told Leor that I couldn't imagine what we would be doing but I definitely knew where we would alllll be. Brooklyn, New York.
Again, I've never been to LA but all I see and hear from it is a bunch of materialistic crap. Paparazzi??? What the fuck is that? To me, the paparazzi is a sign of how dumb, stupid and naive the American people are and Brooklyn is that farthest thing from American people.
No Sleep Till........
A good friend of mine, Elliot, visited California last week in a very popular city I like to call "Lost Angeles". He boasted much about the vibe and the fact that everyone is friendlier. Then he started talking about how much better and more relaxed the shopping environment was. One of the thing's he mentioned was that even if you don't buy anything in the store, the people that work there will be nice to you.
I've never been to LA but can imagine how nice that could be. I love to shop more than anything and i say this without knowing much about LA but I wouldn't change my city for anything in the world.
I don't know how serious my friend was when he said this but he definitely said it. "I'm making an aliyah to LA". I didn't take him very serious but what if he wasn't kidding. Besides the fact that I would miss him..... NOTTTT, I would hate the fact that he wouldn't live with our boy's in BK. Besides for our huuge circle of friend's, there's something else in the air here in BK and it's not the pollution. It's the real vibe of a Orthodox Jewish community. Our food, our synagogues, our extended families and most of all our memories.
I was walking with my friend Leor to meet the rest of our boy's for lunch. We saw an old friend on the way and stopped to talk to him. As we were walking away, Leor turned to me and said, "Would you ever have imagined thing's would turn out the way they did? I wonder where we will all be in 10 year's from now" I thought to myself that this was a good question. I told Leor that I couldn't imagine what we would be doing but I definitely knew where we would alllll be. Brooklyn, New York.
Again, I've never been to LA but all I see and hear from it is a bunch of materialistic crap. Paparazzi??? What the fuck is that? To me, the paparazzi is a sign of how dumb, stupid and naive the American people are and Brooklyn is that farthest thing from American people.
No Sleep Till........
Thursday, April 3, 2008
"Heey Macarena (aaayyy)".
What the fuck happened to the "Electric Slide"?
When I was a little boy I'd love to go to Bar Mitzva's or wedding's, any party would have been good for me. I remember at every party everyone would get excited when the band started playing "Hands up baby hands up give me your heart give me give me your heart". When all the mom's were doing there dance I remember sitting in my dad's lap thinking to myself how cool it was that all the people were doing the same dance. Then they started playing the "Electric Slide" and I would be in shock. I know it sound's so lame but I was like 5 and the "Slide" was cool (boogywoogyoogy).
Imagine today if we were at a wedding and all the mom's would get up and do the electric sliiiide. I'd think we were in a mental institution. Does this mean I got old? Am I so old that I've lived through the synchronized dance era? This shouldn't be. I know that id I get married, my DJ better play some Electric Slide (boogywoogyoogy). If that should be the case I'll notify all my guest's to learn the Electric Slide, maybe I'll send an instructional DVD in the Invitation.
This is the only video I found for now but learn from it and lets bring the Electric
Slide back in style..... VINTAGE ..... boogywoogyoogy.
When I was a little boy I'd love to go to Bar Mitzva's or wedding's, any party would have been good for me. I remember at every party everyone would get excited when the band started playing "Hands up baby hands up give me your heart give me give me your heart". When all the mom's were doing there dance I remember sitting in my dad's lap thinking to myself how cool it was that all the people were doing the same dance. Then they started playing the "Electric Slide" and I would be in shock. I know it sound's so lame but I was like 5 and the "Slide" was cool (boogywoogyoogy).
Imagine today if we were at a wedding and all the mom's would get up and do the electric sliiiide. I'd think we were in a mental institution. Does this mean I got old? Am I so old that I've lived through the synchronized dance era? This shouldn't be. I know that id I get married, my DJ better play some Electric Slide (boogywoogyoogy). If that should be the case I'll notify all my guest's to learn the Electric Slide, maybe I'll send an instructional DVD in the Invitation.
This is the only video I found for now but learn from it and lets bring the Electric
Slide back in style..... VINTAGE ..... boogywoogyoogy.
Tuesday, April 1, 2008
"The Test"
I love a lot of thing's. Besides for sneakers and clothes, I also like eating, blazing, driving fast and sleeping all day. Think about what you like to do the most, think about your guilty pleasures. I bet you can count a lot, I know I can.
Unfortunately most of the thing's I like to do are bad for me. If I eat too much I'll get more fat. What am I supposed to do?? I get hungry I like to eat. So the question is... Was I blessed or cursed with a big appetite.... (well get to the answer later)
How many people need more than 1 or 2 pair's of sneakers? I need 20 and i can't sleep at night if there's one that I love and dont have. as wierd and funny as it sound's, it's a bad habbit.
I smoke cigarette's. I know how bad they are for me but I still don't bother to stop.
I love when my boy's race eachother in there car's. As fun as it is, It is the most dangerous thing in the world and we still cant pass up alittle race down coney.
I could go on and on about thing's that I do that I shouldn't. And I'm sure everyone has a guilty pleasure.
I know more than anyone how hard it could be to stop something you like doing. So my question now is, why?
I ride the New York City subway every morning. When I look around I see alot of half ass people, some with missing teeth and some just smelling like shit. These are the people that can't help themselves and werent able to to balance out the good and the bad.
I'm a strong religious believer and i believe that I'ts all here to test us. I think God gave me a huge appetite because he know's how much eating mean's to me. The test? Can I balance out my eating with excersizing? I personally have trouble with it but at least I know that that's the task.
My good friend's loooove to drink and get smashed. If it was up to them, They'd drink all night long and never stop but.... There's a restriction. You want to drink all night? Then your'e going to spend the whole next day with your knees on the floor and your head in a toilet (if your'e lucky enough to make it to a toilet).
You like to have sex? If it was up to me I'd bang all night every night but... There are restrictions. Aid's, Diseases, infection's so balance it out. According to my religion, we should wait til were married. This law has been around for thousand's of year's. I think that when the people started getting carried away and not restricting themselves from certain thing's, God said to himself "they don't want to do it? I'll do it for them" and he created the Aid's virus. The Aid's virus isn't ancient It's actually very new, I'm not researching it for you but i think it was first recorded in the 80's.
I never did much drug's (weed is not a drug) but I could only imagine how good they feel. And in my head I figure that the better something feel's the worse it is for you and could kill you quicker.
I could go on and on but all my reader's should get back to work because that's how we balance our pleasure.
Unfortunately most of the thing's I like to do are bad for me. If I eat too much I'll get more fat. What am I supposed to do?? I get hungry I like to eat. So the question is... Was I blessed or cursed with a big appetite.... (well get to the answer later)
How many people need more than 1 or 2 pair's of sneakers? I need 20 and i can't sleep at night if there's one that I love and dont have. as wierd and funny as it sound's, it's a bad habbit.
I smoke cigarette's. I know how bad they are for me but I still don't bother to stop.
I love when my boy's race eachother in there car's. As fun as it is, It is the most dangerous thing in the world and we still cant pass up alittle race down coney.
I could go on and on about thing's that I do that I shouldn't. And I'm sure everyone has a guilty pleasure.
I know more than anyone how hard it could be to stop something you like doing. So my question now is, why?
I ride the New York City subway every morning. When I look around I see alot of half ass people, some with missing teeth and some just smelling like shit. These are the people that can't help themselves and werent able to to balance out the good and the bad.
I'm a strong religious believer and i believe that I'ts all here to test us. I think God gave me a huge appetite because he know's how much eating mean's to me. The test? Can I balance out my eating with excersizing? I personally have trouble with it but at least I know that that's the task.
My good friend's loooove to drink and get smashed. If it was up to them, They'd drink all night long and never stop but.... There's a restriction. You want to drink all night? Then your'e going to spend the whole next day with your knees on the floor and your head in a toilet (if your'e lucky enough to make it to a toilet).
You like to have sex? If it was up to me I'd bang all night every night but... There are restrictions. Aid's, Diseases, infection's so balance it out. According to my religion, we should wait til were married. This law has been around for thousand's of year's. I think that when the people started getting carried away and not restricting themselves from certain thing's, God said to himself "they don't want to do it? I'll do it for them" and he created the Aid's virus. The Aid's virus isn't ancient It's actually very new, I'm not researching it for you but i think it was first recorded in the 80's.
I never did much drug's (weed is not a drug) but I could only imagine how good they feel. And in my head I figure that the better something feel's the worse it is for you and could kill you quicker.
I could go on and on but all my reader's should get back to work because that's how we balance our pleasure.
Monday, March 31, 2008
"The Killa"
I was up early this past Sunday morning and decided to do some shopping while I was up, the earlier the better on Sunday's. I was at the Saks 5th Ave outlet when my boy "Ike Miz The Killa" called me up. I would have told The Killa to come with me that morning but i knew he was still sleeping and he appreciated the fact that i didn't wake him up to come. I was walking through the shoe section and saw the nicest sneaker i've seen in a while. By now I wasn't listening to what Ike was talking about, all I could think about is finding my size. If you've been to an outlet youll know that whatever is there is there, theres no more in the back and you just have to grab the box with you're size. Of course your boy Big Foot over here didn't find his size. I thought to myself that I can't just walk away from these sneaker's and not see them again. These aren't ones you find everyday and even more that it was in an outlet so there priced well. I quickly asked my boy Ike if he needed sneaker's and he did. I told him how hot these sneakers were and he said "Oren I trust your taste, I'm a 10 and a half, buy them for me." It was right there that i realized how much my nigga Ike trusted my taste and it meant alot to me. It's no surprise that he loved them and i can't wait to hang out with Ike when he wears them.

"Them Be Dose Gangsta Shits"
Listen to this song, the video didn't come out yet so chillll.
"Them Be Dose Gangsta Shits"
Listen to this song, the video didn't come out yet so chillll.
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